So there is a reason behind the recent madness and chaos with my blog upkeep.
Last week we found out that we are 99.999999% expecting out first.
Now to understand the whole situation, I gotta give you a bit of a back story.
So on Tuesday I went to our GP, because I had a abscess on my skin that was not healing by itself. After checking me out she sent me to consult with a surgeon (they do all lancing here).
So Wednesday morning I head out to the surgeons office. After taking a look he says its to infected and needs to be done under general anesthesia, he tells me to go directly to the hospital in a neighboring city.
So then I call my poor husband who takes the day off work. He comes and gets me and takes me to the hospital. We consulted with the head surgeon there, who planned to keep me overnight and send me to surgery in the morning. Well as normal they ran pre surgery blood and urine samples, at which point all plans changed since my test came back positive.
So I was sent home with strict instructions to come to the ER if I have a peak in fever or pain.
Thursday, I was sent to the Obgyn. She did an ultrasound and saw a flicker on the screen, but said it was to early to confirm by ultrasound. She took blood and told me to come back monday.
Well monday rolls around, she confirms the hormone levels are increased, but still on the lower end so they took more blood to use as a point of reference. They then consult that the hormone levels are doubling as they should be.
So I am set to go back Friday for the next ultrasound, and hopefully will then get the medical confirmation I had expected last week.

Congrats Rena!!!!!!!!! I pray everthing goes on well!! Keep posting...:-)
Woot, woot!! Congrats!
heehee congrats my dear friend!
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