Showing posts with label Sundays in my city. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sundays in my city. Show all posts

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sundays in my city

Unknown Mami

It is Sunday again! Every Sunday I and other bloggers around the world come together to give a glimpse of our daily life. So here it is again a look at Sunday in my City.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sundays in my city

Unknown Mami

I'm back!

This weekend was really special Toni's mom and step dad came down to visit Teenie. Here are some photos from our weekend.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sundays in my city- the pacifier

Welcome to another Sundays in my City. 

Unknown Mami

Today has been a quiet day at home, my mom few out Friday and we are becoming used to life as a trio. So far so good. Tomorrow will be my first day alone with Luca and I am nervous to say the least.

But the highlight of the day was when our 3 1/2 week old son pulled his pacifier out and held it. We got him holding it on video and photos of the progression. I wish we could have caught it all on video, we had thought he was just holding it so we were just taking photos. Oh well, I am sure there will be many moments we are not fast enough to capture, but what we did record was great.

Check it out!

Make sure you stop by to check out everyone else. 

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sundays in my city- Baby recap

Hey guys,

As promised I am back with Sundays in my city. I am gonna start with a recap of life with baby Luca thus far and end it off with a recap of our day and some photos.

I will be posting weekly updates about the baby on Wednesdays, this week I will also recap his birth story and the first 2 weeks in upcoming posts. I will continue with Sundays in my city and meal plan monday as well as my normal frugal living, expat, and homemaking posts. So while there will be baby posts of course, no need to worry the conent I wrote before will also remain :D

So just to recap baby Luca was born on December 22nd at 7:31 am. He was 53cm long and 3640g. He was born via c section under full anesthesia after 16 hours labor, 2 failed inductions and a failed epidural. It was a very traumatic experience to be honest not due to having a c section but the care I recieved was subpar and I will go into details later, but I have come to terms and I think I needed to take the time to do so before sharing my story. I am now at peace with what has happened and can only refocus my energies on the outcome a beautiful little boy, the way he arrived is trivial. 

After 6 days in the hospital including Christmas we headed home. Over New years my inlaws came down to meet him. And my mom has been an amazing support and help during this time. 

We have had some struggles with breastfeeding which I will likely talk about in another post, don't worry I will have big warnings before any topics that I feel people may want to skip over. But he is doing well. He just crossed the 4 kilo mark this week and is growing like a weed. He is so strong. He kicks and has just started discovering his arms and hands. He can even lift his head, don't believe me?? Well check out the evidence below.

All in all we are doing well. Daddy went back to work last week and my mom flies out this Friday. Next week will be my first week alone and I am scared to death to say the least, but I am sure we will do fine. 

So now lets talk about my Sunday. 
Unknown Mami

Today was a pretty quiet day at home. I worked on catching up on housework and hanging out with baby Luca. We had a pretty uneventful day until baby Luca lifted and held his head. Before he was bobbing a bit but now he holds his head up. I know you think I am mad but I assure you it happened. We had taco ring for dinner and are getting ready to do babies hand and foot prints. 

Here are some photos from our day:

Make sure you stop by to check out everyone elses day.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sundays in my city- 40 weeks can you believe it???

Unknown Mami

40 weeks, 40 weeks can you believe it??? It sure is hard to believe it. Here it is my 40th week. I was hoping to have some baby photos to share but little Luca has decided today is not the day. That is unless he changes his mind in the next 2 hours.

I am hanging in there. It is great having my mom here with me. My next appointment is Tuesday if nothing jump starts on its own, and c-section has been laid back on the table as an option after the baby weighed in at 9 and a half pounds on the last scan. Scans are not fool proof in weight projections, but even with the margin of error he will be a big boy.  Which explains the gnarly pressure I have been having on my pelvic floor. Otherwise no progress since 2 and a half weeks :(

So here it is week 40 in all its glory

 We will just ignore that hair mishap :P

 My battle scars which luckily are not anywhere I could easily see them so it has not caused me much duress. I am at the point now where I have come to terms with pregnancy in all its glory :)
 We have had some wild weather.
 As well as some late nights taking a toll.
 But we have had a lot of fun too.
Not that I am biased since I won or anything :P

So that was my Sunday in my city. My due date come and gone. Here's hoping for some new smiling faces in next weeks photos.

Thabks for joining me and make sure you check out everyone else over at

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sundays in my city- 39 Weeks!!!!!!

All right its that time again, this time we are celebrating 39 weeks, only 7 days to go holy moly!

Unknown Mami

As promised meet my mom :D

We took her down to check out the wintermarket today. It was the last day so it was beyond packed.  We had pizza and bratwurst from the food stands and enjoyed a kinder glüwein (alcohol free warmed punch). Toni enjoyed a steak brotchen. We found some goodies. I got a special Christmas gift for my dad. I cannot share now as he reads my blog, but it is something I know he will love. My mom found some wooden hand carved ornaments, and a gift for my cousins family as well as some special gifts for her step kids.

We had a pretty quiet afternoon, more naps both Mom and Toni. Toni's prep for the terror that lies ahead :P and mom's attempts to overcome the jetlag, so I spent the afternoon catching up on some final baby prep.

And here it is without further ado..... 39 weeks.

I am tired and uncomfortable to say the least but in good spirits. Excited and terrified the same. But so ready to meet him. I have a feeling he will make his appearance this week. We will have to wait and see what lies ahead for next weeks post.

Thanks for spending Sunday with me and my mom in my city. And don't forget to stop by to check out everyone else's weekly adventures.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sunday in my city 38 weeks

Today is a very special Sunday in my cite. We got our maternity pics taken by a very special friend and fellow American expat. These are just a sneak peak straight out of the camera not yet edited, but I could not help but share they are so beautiful.

Today marks 38 weeks. And next Sunday there will be an addition to these photos my mom. I last saw her August 16, 2008. She flies in Saturday morning.

I am filled with so many emotions right now and all I really now is that my life i about to be changed forever, but I am ready to embrace that change.

So a very special thank you to my friend. This is the greatest gift anyone could have given It is memories that will last a life time.

And not only is she an awesome photographer shes a super cook. Make sure you stop by her blog A Mama with Flavor and tell her how awesome her pics turned out :D

Unknown Mami

And do not forget to stop by and check out the other ladies at

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sundays in my city 37 weeks

Unknown Mami

Today marks 37 weeks, meaning that the baby is officially considered full term and could make a healthy appearance at any time. I am feeling well but sluggish, otherwise in good spirits My mom flies in the weekend after next and that is super exciting. Next weekend a friend will be coming down to take my maternity pics.

Otherwise, I plan to use the next few weeks (assuming he stay in place that long) to precook some freezer meals, finish prepping the baby items, prewrite some blog posts to coast through the time my mom is here and baby is first home. Though I will post new Sundays in my cities and meal plans each week in addition to the prewritten posts, if anyone is interested in writing a guest post I would love it please email me :)

Yesterday we went and checked out the Christmas market a bit. Today has been a pretty quiet day at home working on the house.

Those grey pants and black sweatshirt are new I got a package from my mom :) I think I might live in these pants the next few weeks.

Make sure you stop by and check everyone else out at

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sundays in my City 36 weeks

Teenie is not so teenie anymore. Only 4 weeks or 28 days left to go. I know the chances he will be born on that day is pretty slim, but its still exciting none the less. And to top it off my mom is flying in 19 days. I am so excited. Now if she would just get her bags packed I would stop worrying :P

Today was pretty uneventful except that we did a whole bunch of housework. Our TV is now broken so the landlord will have to come in to fix the cable and it had needed to be done anyway pre baby and house guest and it was a huge relief. I still have decluttering to do, but nothing major, so the overwhelming aspects are gone, just need to keep it up. Next weekend we will clean out the car and Toni will do some spot painting and small repairs.

So here it is the 36 week belly.

Unknown Mami

Make sure you stop by and check out everyone elses lovely adventures.

It's been such a long journey its hard to believe it so close to an end.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sundays in my city - 34 weeks

34 weeks can you believe it has been so long. I am filled with such a variety of emotions everything from extreme excitement to utter terror. I can't wait to meet him but I am scared to death to let go to the bond we shared these past 8 months. 

Today was nothing to exciting. We worked on the house, put up some Christmas decorations. The baby areas are coming together nice and I will add pics soon. I do not have any decorations or a nursery, but I think it is nice :)

I am excited that we finally figured out how to get a wide variety of more English TV and I have been enjoying Hoarders and 17 kids and counting.

I was super excited to win a auction on ebay today for one of those storage systems with the plastic bins, they run 60-120 euro here and I got one for 20. You can see what it looks like here. Yay. I will use that in my diapering area for all the pflege items. I still have some needs stoarge wide, but it is coming together.

My mom arrive in just under 5 weeks and I am so excited. It will be my first time seeing her since I left home in 2008, and or first Christmas together in years. I even have a stocking for her :D

Things are going well .

Make sure you stop by and check out the other ladies over at

Unknown Mami


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