![Unknown Mami](http://i610.photobucket.com/albums/tt184/UnknownMami/SundaysinmyCity.jpg)
Today marks 37 weeks, meaning that the baby is officially considered full term and could make a healthy appearance at any time. I am feeling well but sluggish, otherwise in good spirits My mom flies in the weekend after next and that is super exciting. Next weekend a friend will be coming down to take my maternity pics.
Otherwise, I plan to use the next few weeks (assuming he stay in place that long) to precook some freezer meals, finish prepping the baby items, prewrite some blog posts to coast through the time my mom is here and baby is first home. Though I will post new Sundays in my cities and meal plans each week in addition to the prewritten posts, if anyone is interested in writing a guest post I would love it please email me :)
Yesterday we went and checked out the Christmas market a bit. Today has been a pretty quiet day at home working on the house.
Those grey pants and black sweatshirt are new I got a package from my mom :) I think I might live in these pants the next few weeks.
Make sure you stop by and check everyone else out at www.unknownmami.com
You are too cute! Love your outfit! Can't wait to see pics in the near future!
So close! Good luck in the next few weeks.
All the best.....
Whoo hoo..almost there! Lets hope he holds on until your mom gets there :)
It just gets more and more exciting. Definitely stock the freezer with meals. You will be so very happy you did.
It's true what they say-- Pregnant women have a glow about them-- Just look at your photos :-)
Happy SIMC, jj
Best of luck! I have three boys and have been just where you are! Glad to have found your website thru Sundays in my City.
OMG How exciting!! Can't wait to see pics of te baby!
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