Monday, December 26, 2011

When blogs attack

Blogs are really an amazing thing. I love writing on this blog almost as much as I love reading blogs. I mean seriously I could spend 20 hours a day reading blog posts. And that is because I love reading real posts written by real people, tangible posts, you know things that apply to me. But the problem is there are so many blogs in the blogosphere, but only so many hours in the day. So how can you take back control and still find time to enjoy reading blogs, keep reading to find out.

So as I have done with a great many aspects of my life lately I have decided it was time to clean up the blog reader, and my goal under 20 blog subscriptions, 25 max. (Or I should say am striving for, since blogger is being a jerk and will not let me manage subscriptions at the moment, anyone else have this issue?)

So I am forcing myself to take a deeper look into which blogs bring me the most joy, which add the most to my day and which add content that is applicable to the type of life I am striving to have.

So I have asked myself what blogs impact me that most. Which am I able to take the most from. And which give me the most enjoyment. Not to suggest that anyone is better then the other, but there comes the point where you have to set limits for yourself.

Here is some tips to cut back the clutter in your blog reader:
1. Reevaluate your priorities- Did you really want to try knitting but found it was not for you? Or maybe found yourself on a 6 month fad diet that really did not pan out as expected? Cut the blogs that no longer apply to you.

2. Check for current posts- sad as it may be bloggers come and go. If a blogger has shut down the blog, remove the blog from your feed.

3. Check the content- Many times we add a blog that looked interesting in one post or another but may not always post content that applies to us. Look for the blogs that call to you, that you really enjoy the content on an ongoing basis, not just here or there.

4. Eliminate the duplicates and keep a nice variety- Nothing wrong with following various blogs on the same subject basis, just make sure the bloggers you choose are offering different info. Also keep a nice variety of different topics you enjoy.

5. Do not follow blogs because you feel you have too. Just because Aunt Lisa made a blog about hand painting vases or their weekend trips in the alps does not mean you have to read it, that is unless of course painting vases is your thing. Too often we feel compelled to follow blogs. Blogs are meant to be enjoyed, they are not Pokemon, you do not have to catch them all.

So I asked myself what topics interest me the most right now? For me the answer was:
1. Minimalism
2. Montessori/ activities for toddlers
3. Simple and tangible crafting ideas
4. Cheap and easy meals
5. Expat living
6. Frugal living

So here is what made the cut, all 16 of them:
Becoming minimalist
Miss minimalist
The minimalist mom
The minimalists

Montessori/ activities for toddlers:
Chasing Cheerios

Simple and tangible crafting ideas:
Make it do

Cheap and easy meals:
5 dollar dinners
Eat at home
Home cooking with Sonya
Tammys recipies

Expat living:
Ami Expat

Frugal living:
Penniless Parenting
The saved quarter

Christian homekeeper network (spirituality/homemaking)
Zen habits

Is your blog reader so jammed packed that it is overwhelming? How do you decide which blogs make the cut and which ones to let go?

1 comment:

Veronica @ Germlisch said...

You should link up those blogs! Anyone that has the same interests has to Google them now. ;)


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