Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Our not so traditional registry

Hey guys- This post is mainly targeting my friends and family, so please feel free to skip over if you are not here for the mumble jumble :)

Since we have announced we are expecting many people have contacted me with tons of questions.

Will I have a baby shower?
Will I visit home before having the baby?
What items do I need now?
What gift items do I want for the baby?
Where is my gift registry?
Are there sites that I can make a registry on in the US that ships here?
What items do I need from the US that they don't have here?
How can I send you a gift?

So I wanted to take a few minutes to address just the main points as well as go over our plan.

Will I have a baby shower? I sure hope so. But seeing as that is not a German tradition I have no idea how that would work out.

Will I visit home before having the baby? Or will I have the baby in the US? No and No. I have great health care here so this is the place for me to be right now. I hope to visit next year, as a trio.

Gift registries, how does that work internationally?
Really it doesn't. Ok maybe there are sites I can make them. Maybe even a few ship international. But the majority dont. (exception UK sites) Even those that do you would spend more money to ship then for the item you bought. In reality it is just cheaper to send yourself standard mail.

What kind of things can I get you?
Well obviously there will be no requests for big items, cribs, lol. My plan is to suggest only items unique to the US or significantly cheaper in the US. As otherwise it just costs you more then it would for me to buy it here.

So what will you do then?
I will create a tab at the top of my blog that says baby registry. There I will list items that interest me that are specific to the US. I will only post things that are practical and could actually be shipped here.

I will specify if the site ships direct, if its american or uk based, ect. I wont post german sites, as most of you dont speak german. :)

I will later do a general detailed post about shipping to Germany. I had been meaning to do that for some time for my readers :)


Pixel Perfect said...

Oh girl I am so excited for you!!! There's only like a week difference in our due dates!!


I will be praying for you and this exciting journey!


Just Lisa said...

Congrats! Have fun with the registry! There will be a ton of stuff that you won't even realize you need until after the baby comes!

I came by to welcome you to SITS! We're happy to have you with us!


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