You can find my original post here
So here is it the good the bad and the ugly.... 101 goals in 1001 days in retrospect
1. Finish homemaking binder - abandoned. In simplifying my day and home I find no need to have a binder filled with papers, I have found alternate ways to organize my day.
2. Create a Recipe Binder - abandoned. I am more of a pinterest girl these days. Not keeping physical recipies around.
3. Create a Holiday Binder - should do it. Not a bad idea. I would like to continue working on family traditions and rituals.
4. Create an inspiration notebook - abandoned. Why did I want to do this again. Again unneeded clutter.
5. Teach myself baking and bake 10 things- Hmm well I def should keep working on this. I am sure I have since baked. Not sure if it was 10 times. But I would hardly consider myself taught, so perhaps an ongoing journey at best.
6. Create a pantry/ stockpile . Carry over to do
7. Decorate each room of the house Carry over to do
8. Cook a traditional ddr feast - Hahaha wtf is a traditional DDR feast, I must have been grasping at straws here. Well I have learned quiet a few recipies so we will call this one a success.
9. Learn to cook Indian food Fail Carry over
10. Assemble an emergency kit for the house Fail carry over
Out and about:
11. Have a picnic done
12. Visit 10 castles carry over
13. Visit 10 museums carry over
14. Visit a stage show carry over
15. Visit the German cinema carry over
16. Go on 10 dates with husband carry over
17. Go to the zoo done well it was a shitty small zoo but it counts
18. Visit 10 kindermarkets and 10 flohmarkets abandoned, I am on a journey to live with less last thing i need is enabling myself to buy more. Perhaps once in a whole in search of that perfect old bauernhof stück for the house, but not 20 times.
19. Go to a concert done if a middle age festival counts, saw Faun
20. Go to a middle age festival done, and it was fun
21. Join the library Done
22. Cook a traditional thanksgiving dinner and invite guests carry over
23. Homemake Christmas gifts doing this year so we will say done
24. Cook a traditional Christmas dinner carry over this year we will be gone would like to do next year
25. Send Christmas Cards hmmm yeah lets carry over
26. Build a gingerbread house Highlighted this one because we can knock this out this month we will say done.
27. Visit Paris and the Louve Museum - carry over
28. Fly home for a visit - Done Sept 2011
29. Visit Munish I assume munish should be munich carry over
30. Visit Georgia (family friend) Done December 2010
31. Visit Minau carry over
32. Visit Dachau Carry over
33. Visit London Not sure this will happen in the next 3 years so I will say abandoned and add it to long term goals
34. Visit Ost or Nord see carry over
35. Try mail art (10) abandoned not my things
36. Swap 10 postcards abandoned not my thing
37. Write one letter home per month, altering the recipients silly goal not achievable and I have regular contact via facebook
38. Try package swapping 10 times Achieved I do have done swaps via diaperswappers and in local groups
39. Reach 250 blog followers abandoned, I decided to write for fun vs attempting to make profit with it
40. Then create my own site on my own server with design again abandoned see above
41. Get my mac repaired well thats a sad unfortionate ending, I actually did get it fixed and then it crapped out less then a year later and was not reasonably repairable needed a whole new logic board. Sold it to a mac technition for 60 euro and was quiet pleased. The hubs got me a new laptop as a 5 year anniversary/xmas gift this year
41. Get my mac repaired well thats a sad unfortionate ending, I actually did get it fixed and then it crapped out less then a year later and was not reasonably repairable needed a whole new logic board. Sold it to a mac technition for 60 euro and was quiet pleased. The hubs got me a new laptop as a 5 year anniversary/xmas gift this year
For the future:
42. Create a Time capsule for luka carry over
43. Write a letter for myself to open in 10 years carry over
44. Move into a new place done we actually moved to another part of the country
45. Establish an emergency savings fund in germany of 500 euro carry over
46. Establish an emergency savings fund in the US of 500 dollars carry over
47. Pay off 5 debts in the US I believe this one here is done yay
48. Pay off 4 debts in Germany done
49. Apply for an ausbildung currently home with the kids not applicable
50. Get my german drivers license done
51. Ship 10 more boxes from home oh sure this one is done
52. Put aside 20 euro for each task completed silly goal, as I have no income and we work on saving anyway
53. Open a retirement account done
54. Create photo albums for 2009 and 2010 carry over
55. Finish my pregnancy journal not applicable not my thing
56. Make a baby book for Luka carry over
57. Make a baby book for Toni carry over
58. Have professional photos taken I had pics of the oldest but still want family pics
59. Make a belly cast done
60. Make a list of 100 reasons why I love my husband abandoned, he knows
61. Pick 5 people who have greatly influenced my life and write them carry over
Learnings fun:
62. Finish my degree not applicabe right now, maybe someday. I did do a few more courses, but right now its not possible for me and I dont know what I want to do long term.
63. Reach level c1 German carry over
64. Take a class at the VHS not done, no time now I did to pregnancy yoga though at a yoga house, so I will consider that a sucess
65. Learn to drive stick shift well I tried, I even did a few hours driving courses, we opted to buy a automatic hybrid. I consider this attempt a sucess.
66. Learn to swim carry over
67. Take a cooking course or class did not do and we oved from where I wanted to take it abandoned
68. Have a baby shower not common in Germany not applicable
69. Throw Luka a birthday party done
70. Throw Toni a birthday party not a priority right now
71. Throw myself a birthday party not a priority right now
72. Host a frauentag with my former class mates we moved away no applicable
73. Have an overnight/ weekend guest done
74. Throw a dinner party done
75. Have a movie marathon lame idea abandoned
76. Have a tea party ha germans have kaffee and kuchen all the time, done more then once
Baby Love:
77. Join a play group done created one
78. Take a class with Luka never been able to
79. Teach Luka baby signing he learned a few
80. Read the bible in its entirety carry over
81. Baptize luka carry over
82. Find a church to join done
83. Complete 50 questions that could free your mind carry over
84. Keep a yearly journal with at least one entry per week carry over
85. Read 10 classic books
86. Read 10 banned books
87. Read 101 books
88. Watch 101 Films
89. Purge and refill my Ipod need to rebuild music collection first
90. Read all Dean Koontz books currently in circulation not interested anymore
91. Read the Anne of Green Gables Series redundant with above
Body works:
92. Get a Massage done
93. Drop back to my prebaby weight done
94. Try acupuncture done
95. Get extra dental insurance not needed
Look what I made:
96. Teach myself to sew and buy a sewing machine make 10 things well bought a machine but so far only made baby legs carry over
97. Try knitting and crotchet make 1 of each bam on it crocheting all the time, knitting not my thing
98. Teach myself to paint (at least try) abandoned not my thing
Better start saving:
99. Buy a combi fridge or freezer done
100. Buy a good camera done
101. Buy a bigger bed done albiet a piece of shit but hey, someday we will upgrade

So to recap....
Goals achieved: 36
Goals abandoned or postponed long term: 27
Goals carried over: 38
So thats a proper F or note 4 :P Better Luck next time.
Perhaps most ammusing we changed our sons name before he was born so the references written here while I was pregnant are inaccurate, seems so odd to read lol.